19th August 2006.
Ok. So I checked my Emails in the hotel after a game of poker or two. There was one from Jamie. It said "Yo! Come to Pure nightclub in Caesars Palace for the party, there is a pass for you at the desk"
Hmmmm.......I think that if I go, they will be laughing as I rush to the desk to ask if there is a VIP pas for me to go to a Rock Stars party! BUT......I am here for fun so I shall take the risk that they are serious! Not much chance but where do you go after you start to never take a risk of looking stupid.
Got to the Pure nightclub and the queue was amazing, a couple of hundred people trying to get in through the doors and the security were not having any of it. It is going to take some serious pushing to get anywhere near the door. I checked it out on the t'internet and it is THE most trendy place in the world! Voted as the best nightclub in the world! I eventually talked to the security on the door and told them I was to collect my VIP pass. They weren't interested in what I had to say! They sent me to a lounge at the other side of the hotel, who in turn told me to go to the main reception. I was getting the run around but I have all week to kill so I keep running where I am sent. Nickelback are playing over the hotel sound system. Coincidence???? I don't think so! In the queue for Pure I heard a security guard mention the Nickelback party. Hmmmm So Nickelback ARE having a party here! I wonder if I really do have a pass!! Happen to see Brian and Leanne in a queue and grabbed them. I told them that I couldn't find which desk to get the pass that Jamie had left for me. They spoke to some people and pass appeared for me!!! The celeb wristband and hand stamp came too! I don't believe this! I am going to party with Chad Kroeger and the Nickelback boys!!
We get taken straight into Pure and to a private area where the beers and wine and spirits are just sat on the tables. " Help yourslef Dan!" Brian said! Unbelievable!! I have a couple while I calm down. Nickelback aren't here yet as they are chilling out after the gig! I stood up to have a nose around and saw Josh Koscheck from the UFC! Josh! Right there in front of me! I told Leanne and she said Chuck Liddell was there too!!! UFC light heavyweight champion of the world! Chuck " THE ICEMAN " Liddell!!!! I stood up and there he was. I couldn't believe it! Eventually I did the uncool thing of saying " Mr Liddell ( Mr Liddell........this man is hard as nails and I am not that stupid to call him Chuck) My brother and I are massive fans, would you mind if I had a photo taken with you?" Totally uncool I know but you don't meet Chuck Liddell and Josh Koscheck every day! He was really friendly and obliged! I was sweating like no ones business with the excitement of it all!
Later on Chad and the rest of Nickelback turned up! Got a photo with Chad too! Another fab bloke! What a night..............sorry this is all a bit rushed but I am still amazed at my luck... just happened to be sat next to Joe and Jamie on the plane and look! I get to meet Chad, Chuck and Josh...who obviously are my mates too now. Told Chuck that if he ever needs help sorting out some tough guys... I am his man! he he he he he
Phoned Jason to tell him what happened when I got back and he was really jealous! Then he said that if I can stay here longer and get the tickets booked, he would fly over to Vegas to watch Chuck fighting next Saturday. It is going to cost me in time and cash but you only live once. Just means I won't be able to spend the full 10 days in Fiji.... Meeting up with Jason and Cheryl to watch UFC 63(? I think ) is worth it. All sorted so seeing my brother on Thursday. This trip can't get any better........ can it?
Oh.... too much excitement to photo fat people eating.
Bowel check = shy