Shameless Merchandising!
I have been nagged enough for little posts made often instead of the War and Peace style tomes that I have force fed you. So, enough of holding your jaws apart and ramming my nonsense down your throats!
I had an email from a fellah I contacted a few years ago about a T-Shirt for Steve Fila on his retirement. His favourite expletive was C**t so I saw to it that he was presented with a T-Shirt that illustrated as much and I found one from a fab site called King Cnut. I could go into the history of King Cnut and his attempts to force back the tides (not quite the way it has been told in recent times, but go to the site and it will explain all). The site is run by a bloke called Dave Griffiths, a stand up comedian who has moved into making suggestive attire. I bought Steve his shirt and ordered a Legover shirt and the above Lucky Cnut shirt for myself, along with a Milky Gay one for a certain familial Queen who I know won't mind me mentioning him here. If you do Lenny, then when you find me you can give me the blolocking I deserve.
Anyway, Dave has been reading my blog and decided to keep in touch so I am more than happy to shamelessly promote his site to the 3 other people that read this rubbish. Please go and have a look and then nag Dave to bring back Milky Gay and Legover. While in his site, have a look at the details of his brave battle with FCUK who appear to be the great big fatcat hypocrites in this saga!
Ok..........using my mind control.......go to Kingcnut.......go to Kingcnut
Can someone please at least have a go at them.
I love them and don't want to stop doing them...even though they were not my idea in the first place. And if Karl Pilkington is reading this......Alright?
‘I had a tape with er…like Humpty Dumpty on it. And Hickory Dickory Dock and that. But I broke it’ - BR
Good luck
You know you want to.