World Mooching

Old old old old blog. New one here.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Huka Falls

Just one kick high on the back and I would be free.....FREE i TELLS YA!

The cheating jet boat that doesn't get close enough!

Look at the size of his hat!

Well it would seem that some people are getting a bit jumpy about the lack of pictures on a few of my blogs! Well I have to tell you that I don't always have time for photos! What with driving "Arnold The Beast" (a white Toyota Corolla) down the North Island and stopping Scott from trying to eat the meat from between my webbed toes (He has decided that it looks like a chicken wing and secretly contains sweet sweet chicken flesh), I am finding it hard to find time for anything!

Anyway, we set off to go to Tauranga and stopped on the way at Te Aroha (haven't I already covered this bit?) which is a a little town that looks like it is straight from the Wild West. With the hills in the background it is really dramatic. After an amusing waitress (all she said was "yep!" in a really high pitched voice)we zoomed in The Beast to Tauranga. The town centre was really quiet so we just had a bite to eat and a few beers and then watched a film. I am sure it does get exciting there but I think an easy night was over due for both of us.

On to Rotorua after a quick stop at Mount Manganui, a volcano by the coast. It was totally stunning to see the volcano but by far the best bit was the beach on the other side. It was fantastic and like a paradise postcard. I think we both would like to have hired a surfboard and stayed longer but we are men on a mission at the moment and had to make do with a paddle and some silly photo's.

The roads to Rotorua were full of dramatic scenary and I didn't get too lost on the way. Having said that, the signs in New Zealand don't always help! But we managed somehow to get to Rotorua, The Sulpher City! Tracey had warned me that it smells in Rotorua and she was dead right! The smell of sulpher hits you miles outside the city! A bit like Casteford/Selby/Creswell(insert smelly town here). You do get used to it but it cannot be good for you! Rotorua is famed for the hot springs and mineral baths, so we had to idle away the afternoon in the Polynesian springs. Now I like my baths hot and I know that 42 degrees doesn't sound that hot, but with the sun beating down on you, it soon mounts up. Super relaxing though and with views across Lake Rotorua, it was brilliant. We had been in about an hour when some elderly people climbed in and we were asked to leave after Scott mentioned too loudly that old people "generally wee when in the bath as they have no control". Still we had a good hour and nicked Grandpa's flip flops! Oh, and the water tastes bad. I should have ignored Scott when he asked me if it was salt or fresh water.

We have now arrived in Taupo and managed to find some accomodation for a couple of nights. On the way here though we stopped at the Huka Falls which is breathtaking. Just as well as I have run out of toothpaste. The falls are awesome, and I think that even Scott and I might struggle to make it through them intact. I have seen the Falls at Niagara, and although they are super impressive, these ones just seemed more natural in some way. Brilliant. The Jet Boat that we were going to get was a bit of a rip off though. It took you to the edge of the turbluent water at the bottom of the falls but if I was going to pay to ride it, then I want to be going over the falls!

So, here we are in Taupo. After a quick nap in our room, Scott booked us to go Sky Diving tomorrow. From 12,000 feet. Could be worse. There was an option of 15,000.

So if I don't get back to you in the next few days......I want my guitars to go to Jason, my TV and Hi-fi to Kelly, My DIY tools to Dad(mostly his anyway) and my washing to my Mum. Goodbye and I love you all!!!!

Well not everyone. There are certain people that I don't. Elton John for one. I know he reads this and I am sorry Elton, but your comments have to be removed as they are a bit too gaywise for the general audience. And Ashton Kutcher. I don't know why but I can't stand him.