Ice creams in olden day Sydney were hard to come by and they built a statue of one lucky fellah that found one.
The Fanta(m) Menace.
I bet Mrs Macquarie never looked this cool on her seat.
Me on a touristy day.
A please WALK on the grass sign! Made me chuckle.
Now how did that fig leaf stay on tis sprinting man?
One of the many fountains in Sydney!
3rd September 2006.
Left Sydney today. I haven't written as much about it as some of the other places I have been. This isn't because there was nothing to see or that it wasn't good fun. I just seemed to be getting bored of sightseeing. Don't get me wrong, I have been going to different places, I just don't want to go there just so I can say I have. I think I need a break from new stuff. I am enjoying just doing my normal stuff. I "should" have gone to Bondi Beach but to be honest...a beach is a beach. I am sure it is very nice but remember that it is only spring here.
I went to the Botanical Gardens for a quite wander around. They are brilliant and huge. While wandering around the lawns and trees I went to Mrs Macquaries seat, which is a seat carved into the rock where she would sit and admire the harbour. She was the wife of a military chap who was one of the first settlers in Sydney, I think. From there you get a fantastic view of the Bridge and the Opera House. I think that most of the travel shows and postcards use the view from there. Really breathtaking. On the way back I sat on the grass next to a load of birds. Cockatiels I think they were. I put down my bottle of Fanta and got my camera ready to snap one. Immediately, one came over to me and started biting the bottle! It was standing on the laid down bottle and grabbing the top with its beak! Right in front of me. I managed to video it doing this but the file is too big to put on here. After I snapped its cheeky playful neck and threw the corpse in a hedge I walked away chuckling at the saucy little mite!
I also popped into a museum on the way back, but appart from a freshwater crocodile, it was like most other museums. There was huge section on the Aborigines and while I read some of the stuff about the history, there was too much. I am sure that it was all very interesting but the walls were just covered in writing about it. I do sympathise with the oppression that they faced but they totally over did it. It out faced you and made me just want to look at dead animals in jars instead.
On my last night I went to the Fringebar, which I had been to before, for the comedy night. The MC was really good but the first act looked like she was a bit nervous. I know how that feels! She was a lesbian and the majority of her act was based on this. As I have said before, it can be quite funny but it was a bit boring and not that well delivered. The second woman up there was brilliant. I can't remember her name but she was very funny! Especially the bits where she went into a rant! The headliner was an American and was great too. Very laid back even when talking about things that made him angry!
I am in Auckland now and I will update you when I have got off my lazy arse and done something.
One last note. Scott has to read the book I am about to finish. It is by Tucker Max and is called " I hope they serve beer in Hell" No one else should read this book but Scott. especially my Mum and Dad. Scott will appreciate it though. Quite funny!
Bowel check = Tapestry