Monday 14th May 2007.
You might remember me from such blogs as " Danno does Tutukaka" and the epic, "Whoops! No teeth left!". I occassionally have to apologise for not updating my little blog but it is because nothing too strikingly important has happened to me that you might want to read about. It could be that I couldn't get to a decent log on place to write about my mooching. I could be that I am lazy. In this instance, it is a mixture of all three.
Having been in Clowne and going to UFC to see Mirko Cro cop get his face closely acquainted with Gabriel Gonzaga's right foot (check spelling..in fact check that his first name is Gabriel too. While I am at it, check that I have dressed. That's ok...wearing shorts....close thing there), I continued to mooch (in its other usage other than that of travelling, the freeloading squatting type)around other people's houses and help myself to meals and other hospitality. While I was inundated with excellent and generous offers of accomodation, you can't help but feel that you are putting people out and inpinging on their kindness. If you do not see that by staying with other people for a number of days, you might be "putting them out" a little, then please do not visit me. I can't stand moochers. Hypocritical? Yes but there we are! I have the utmost gratitude to those who did allow me to stay in their houses. Quick name check for the main benevolent people runs as follows:-
John and Sarah. Please tell your son that my name is Dan, Daniel, Danno, Big D, Danny boy, Danny and Mister S. It is not, nor ever has been or will be, Debbie.
Scott, Mr and Mrs Woodhall. Mrs Woodhall, regardless of what Scott might have said, I did not a)pick my nose, b)swear, c)tease next door's dog, d)complain about the spaghetti bolognese in any way. Scott is a liar. I know this is hard to hear but he is. And he is a grass. And Mr Woodhall, I can confirm that I did not see anything, Guvner, not a thing. I most definately did not see you throw a Glade plug in that shattered on Scott's elbow. I didn't see it. I will tell Esther Rantzen as much if required.
Fen and Mrs Fen. I didn't steal the blue Power Ranger or hurt Taylors head when he bit me, or call him stupid when we were sat in the lounge. Top bacon/sausage/egg butties too Fenners!
Thank you to all of the above and many others that made my little trip home that much more easy.
Including Marley and his dogs!
Now.....What has happened?
Well, I know I told you about the details with the doctor for whom I made this entire trip. Since that appointment I have heard nothing. Well unless you call a telephone call that said "we will telephone you later" counts. So, on the fire brigade front, I am no further on at all. They are still ignoring my emails and not giving me any information. I suspect that they are waiting until I go back to New Zealand and then will request me to attend a meeting in a few days. Remember that the fellah who is dealing with this is also the fellah I put a complaint in against a while ago. Seems like the obvious choice to deal with this issue, huh? He he he...I expect nothing less. So the fire service are expecting me to go away and then ask me to attend a meeting eh? Will I go....will I stay.....who knows! I know that I am not going to tell them if I have extended my flight dates back to New Zealand so that they can see how it feels to be left out of the loop.
So, apart from England, I have been in Northern Ireland with my parents and their new house. I won't bore you with details about the house as I am sure you don't care. However it is lovely and will be stunning when it is all finished. And one tip for you...if you have reason to hire a rotorvator....make sure you hire the biggest and most powerful one you can....especially if you have a pre-existing back problem. I could hardly walk after playing with it! And the sun burn was astonishing! Come to Northern Ireland and get sun burn! You wouldn't believe it!
After a week or so at home, I went back to England to get my poorly tooth fixed. Another flight....I am growing wings! Tooth all fixed I hung around drinking beers and having lots of fun! Cheers to those concerned! I did have a terrible headache on Monday though....even though I didn't drink too much!
Back to Ireland and to the news that on the 30th April 2007, I spent £1117.11 in Stop & Shop somewhere in USA. It turns out, after a little investigation, that it is in a suburb of New York. Well done me for being in two places at once! Stop & Shop is a supermarket by all reports and I am struggling to remember what my ethral self bought for that amount of money. I contacted my friends at the bank who are going to help me to remember. In other words.......It looks like some b@stard has cloned my bank card and bought £1117.11 worth of apples, bread and coffee! Had it just been coffee I might have pointed the finger at Scott, but I think that would be a bit harsh! The bank are looking into it, but I don't suppose it will end in the detainment of a hank McBisonstretcher cunning card thief. So I have been robbed of over a grand! I am suprisingly cool about it, but let this be a lesson to you all. Two lessons in fact. 1) Be VERY careful with your credit and debit cards. I was and always am and it happened to me. 2) Don't trust Americans. See? I knew my new found love of Americans wouldn't last ( see last posting ). I am sure they are mostly nice really. Well, mostly nicely fed after my grands worth of shopping the tw@ts bought with "my" card.
So, on that sour note, I am going to drink coffee and talk rubbish with my parents while also thinking about Evertons European football campaign next season!!!!!
I think that deserves another look at my favourite picture ever!....see above!
By the way....for the people in Auckland......go see Hot Pink Bits at the Classic....I have seen it and it is fab!