World Mooching

Old old old old blog. New one here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

12th April 2007

In keeping with my promise to only post happy happy joy joy stuff.......

I have been searching for the internet for some things that have made me laugh in the years gone by. Mark Radcliffe and Mark "Lard" Riley were once the hosts of the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show and they had a feature called Lards Classic Cuts. Each day Lardy Boy would bring in a Vinyl record that he claimed was in mint condition...... have a listen and see what you think. Elvis, Puff the Magic Dragon and Glenn Campbell are absolute gems! Mind you, so is Mull of Kintyre!

Mark and Lards Classic Cuts

On a secondary note I though I would share Ambers wisdom with you. When I asked her how lucky, on a scale of 1-10 she though I was to be living with her and Emma she stated 8 out of 10. Emma was amazed that she didn't claim a full 10, but Amber explained in full. Ask Amber any question, no matter how stupid and you will get a very carefully thought out reply. "I would say 8 out of 10 because we don't work for companies where you get free stuff and we haven't introduced you to any friends that you can sleep with." Deadly serious too. How is that for honesty? Not that I would be doing the sleeping with thing as I am a good boy, as you all know.



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