New York New York! So hot I sweated twice.

18th August 2006.
Flown into Las Vegas baby, yeah! I was sat on the plane when 4 people got on late and took the seats next to me. There were 4 of them..... 2 couples and they were talking very loudly. They seemed like good fun but I thought I should pop on my ear phones as soon as I could as I am sure they didn't want me to be involved in their converation! Too late! They were talking to me before I knew it! Joe, Jamie ( Jamie, a lady not a boy!), Brian and Leanne were really nice and funny! As soon as possible they were ordering beers during the flight! Not just for them, but for me as well! And not just one.....2 each! This is going to be a fun flight! As the conversations went on, Jamie told me that Joe (her husband) and Brian worked in the music industry and that they had been involved in the production for loads of bands, including Nickelback who were playing in Vegas on Saturday. Remember that I was in economy. I liked them and they were funny so I chose not to question why record industry folk were in cattle class with me! Maybe they worked in HMV or something! Don't get me wrong....I didn't disbelieve them...I just thought that they were bigging themselves up a bit! Don't blame them!
As we were preparing to land Jamie and Joe said that they were going to the Nickelback gig and then on to the aftershow party. They asked me for a phon number or e-mail so they could organise a pass for me to get into the show. Oh yeah! Now bigging yourslf up is one thing but I am not falling for that one! But what's the harm in giving them my Email address? None so I gave it to them fully expecting to never hear from them. We shared a Limo from the airport ( they wouldn't let me contribute! Even tried to throw $20 through the window but it came straight back out!) and I waved goodbye. Really Nice people. Leanne and Jamie were very attractive too by the way but I didn't say that, ok? Can't go looking at other peoples wives! I hoped that I might bump into them at some point during my stay for some more beers.
Checked into my hotel, The Excalibur. Themed like Camelot it is very nice but not the best in Vegas by a long way. To me, it is palatious! It is really nice so I daren't think what the "better" ones are like! Played poker and just generally wandered around. Lots going on but it would be boring to just describe the flashing lights etc. But the hotels are massive! And the casino floors are enormous. I have mooched around the Luxor and Mandalay Bay and they are bigger than mine!
Late nights coming up with poker action! Forgot to take my camera to photo fat people eating but I promise I will get some! No Elvi spotted to date, but lots of serving wenches in my hotel!
Saturday creeps up with more eating and pokering. Then there is the Rock Star party to go to tonight with Nickelback. Ha ha ha... as if!
Bowel check = Tubular.
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