As you can see, I am eating well. Perhaps there is a connectiong between my large diet, fat belly and wind?

16th August 2006.
This should be a short posting as I am going to Yuk Yuk's Comedy club tonight and I am hoping that you don't need tickets in advance! So I type and watch the clock at the same time!
I see that I now have 2 comments in the box. I hope I am right in saying that Carol is someone who should know better than to expect me to have any X-rated exploits as I am and have always been the clean living type of soul!
I have been busy doing nothing around Vancouver, just enjoying the atmostphere and soaking up the laidback lifestyle. I was hoping that there would be something for me to have a rant about on here but unfortunately, these Canadians are far too polite to upset you and, in relation to there more Southernly bretheren, they are very sensible and intelligent. This is the only draw back to Vancouver that I can see! Move more idiots in and I might come back. They say that some cities are multicultural in the UK but this place is a long way beyond that. Half of the people you see are Oriental in look. The rest are all visitors from Australia or Europe. But they all get on. How strange!
Did the unthinkable today. I am not proud of myself. Andy Fenwick will never speak to me again. Most of Green Watch will never speak to me again. After all of the mocking of the U.S. Firemen that we did when the saddo's came to the fire station wanting to swap patches and know what's coming...........I went to a Vancouver Fire Hall(Station). I am ashamed of myself but I did have a reason. I wanted to compare the cutting gear that they use to ours. Only joking... I was looking for a barbours and happened to be outside a fire station so I asked them where to go. They offered me a T-Shirt which I uncomfortably accepted ( The sound of Fenners tutting in my ear is still ringing). Then the SNEAKY Canadian trait came out again. Cheeky buggers charged me £20 for it! I didn't even want it in the first place, I was only being polite. But then I couldn't let down the whole of England and be dead tight so I had to pay up! Not a bad T-shirt to be fair but I promise I won't get anymore or go near a fire station!
Seen quite a few bands in bars while I have been here and saw another three last night. They all seem very good! I have been to some ropey gigs in the UK but everyone here seems very serious about it all. Don't get me wrong, there has been more than the fair share of soft rock ponce warbling, but they are in tune. Perhaps the sneaky canadians are taking over the rock world.
Private note to Jason, Mark Sykes et al. I was in a bar the other night when all of a sudden "Tribute" by Tenacious D came on! Never heard anywhere but on T.V before so I did my duty and jumped around like an idiot for 3 minutes. More or less on my own. Well one of the bouncers was watching me closely! He actually came up after and said that I was the only person he had seen dance to it before! I think he was using "dance" in its loosest form. Nice to see another Tenacious D fan though.
More tomorrow if I can get my washing done in time before Vegas!
Air geetarman......... who are you, you slippery eel?
just back from the t shirt printers where I managed to get 7 dozen with york fire station on front for 75 quid and will be now welcoming our US brothers into the station with open arms then packing them off with a limited edition shirt for a bargian £20
you should be very very ashamed mr Sison
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