World Mooching

Old old old old blog. New one here.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

This is Len, the Skippers Dad. I had many fab chats on the top deck while smoking the odd crafty cigarette with Len! Really nice bloke and ran after me as I was leaving to give me the address of his family near Cairns if I wanted to stop by for a few days! I seem to be meeting a lot of really nice people on this trip! Cheers Len!

A stunning Lionfish on a night dive over Steves Bommie on the Great Barrier Reef.

This little fellah is actually a big moray eel that I found hiding in the reef. I would have had a better photo but before I could snap him I called over Dave, another diver, to show him and he decided to poke the eel. The eel mooched further into the reef. Stupid boy! I stopped showing people stuff until I had my photos after that. Just for reference....poking the eel is not a euphamism for bowel movements or any sexual act. Take it literally. Oh and "take it literally" is not a euphamism either.

A Blue Whale.

This white tip was famous in the aquatic world as a singer and dancer, with a few acting roles under his belt. He was always being hassled by the paparazzi so took to hiding whenever he could. Last year he was involved in an incident with a photographer and a moped which he settled out of court for an undisclosed fee.

A great cuttlefish. We swam over the top of him and he was perfectly camoflaged but an eagle-eyed Kerry spotted him. He was about the size of a rugby ball. The cuttlefish, not Eagle-Eyed Kerry. When we got on the boat again Eagle-eyed Kerry was so pleased with himself he gave us a rendition of "Save Tonight" which was nice. Didn't mention Neneh much though.

Meet Tony the turtle. I have a video of him swimming around but I seem to be having trouble sending it to people.

You try and get a picture of a 1.5 metre long Potato Cod and some cocky bass always has to get his face in the shot!

Me and a nice big Potato Cod. They grow to 2 metres and often push sharks out of the way if there is food available!

Tony again.

The problem with fish is...... they always look so down in the mouth. Cheer up you miserable Potato Cod!

This is a Nautilus. I am totally positive I have spelled it wrong but I was trying not to be sick when we were rolling around the boat in the waves trying to learn about them. They are about the size of two fists, or, a decapitated babies head.

Another shot of a grey reef shark. I make no apologies for the replication of so many sharks... they were that good looking!


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