In case anyone was wondering, I have found that using the public phones in Melbourne presents a few problems.
A quick game for you all to play. In this arty mosiac, somewhere, Rolf Harris is hiding. Time yourselves (honestly please) and enter your time, name and Rolfs location in the comments at the bottom of this post. So come, let's Root out Rolf!
Da Vinci's Helicopter. I think it was a similar design that Mike Smith used when he nearly killed himself and the beautiful Sarah Greene.
Believe it or not, this is a spring powered car. Now there's an answer to fossil fuels and Global Warming.
Da Vinci's design to enable man to breathe under water. The dive equipment on Undersea Explorer was slightly more sophisticated.
I didn't know that Da Vinci spent a lot of time working on military devices and this is a threshing machine that uses cogs and gears to whizz the huge blades around as the driver charged into battle, hacking down the enemy. I am thinking of utilising this design for shopping trolleys in UK supermarkets. Particularly when it is old people shopping day.
A wing.
Nice to see that John Farnam popped out to welcome me to the Melbourne docklands. He didn't move much though.

only the top 2 phones seemed a bit out of reach for you dont tell me the other 6 were out of order
(sighs) some people just can't read instructions can they? Leave your name, root out rolf time and rolfs location. I wonder sometimes how people hold down steady jobs.
I got Rolf. 2nd row from the top, 5 in from the right in 4 seconds. Yeah air geetar man take that. Talk to you soon. Kel. x x
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