World Mooching

Old old old old blog. New one here.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Do you know what? Fenners might be right. I have seen the street name before but I just can't think where!?!? No...I can't remember!

However, let me asure you that I am missing nothing. No appointments for me! Now, back to the pub!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Loving your blog. Completely understand the feeling of just not wanting to sightsee anymore. Don't feel guilty about it though just do what you feel like. And if that means sitting in a pub one day or just reading a book then do it! Coops and I had plenty of days when we should have been out looking at some famous landmark but decided to stay in bed or do some washing instead. You still meet some characters mooching around anyway and sometimes you just need to chill and recharge your batteries. Keep up the writing though it's great to hear your stories and you've been to loads of places on Sydney I didn't even know existed (even though we were there for 5 months!!)

Take care and enjoy every minute whatever you're doing.

Jerry xx

5:18 AM  

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